How to become an au pair in Luxembourg ?

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more about Luxembourg

Travel Guide ( of living ( holidays ( Movement - EU nationals ( and cost of living (, an overview ('s card (OECD)Top 10 foods in Luxembourg - with recipesING LuxembourgBDL - Banque de LuxembourgBIL - Banque Internationale à LuxembourgBCEE - Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'État LuxembourgAngloinfo Luxembourg: EEA- /Non-EEA driving licences

more about learning français / Deutsch

Common European Framework of Reference for LanguagesOnline Luxembourgish course (

more about being au pair in Luxembourg

The administrative guide the Luxembourg State ( Youth ServiceMinistry of National Education Inscription form on Social Security (CCSS)National minimum wage ( about hosting an au pair ( pair guideImmigration Directorate ( of Sworn and Specialised Translators of LuxembourgProcedure to register and unregister in the town of residence ( of TransportRequired forms - download section of

in case of emergency

Emergency numbers in Luxembourg (

visa related links and downloads

List of countries whose citizens require a visa to enter Luxembourg ( diplomatic or consular representation ( for a residence permit ( of comments on residence permits for third country nationals ( of residence for young au pairs from third countries (

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