How to become an au pair in United Kingdom?

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more about United Kingdom

Typical day for the average BritGuided Tours and Daytrips U.K.Driving in U.K with non-U.K. licenseDetailed Cost of Living (U.K.) from numbeo.comLearn about ISA's (individual savings accounts U.K.)Free Movement - EU nationals (

more about learning English

Online English level testTier 4 Student visa (U.K.) Knowledge of EnglishApplying for a UK visa: approved English language testsTier 4 Student Visa: Top 10 most affordable UK Universities for International Students 2016-2017

more about being au pair in United Kingdom

apply for national insurance # to work in the U.K.National Insurance # info (U.K.)Overview: Register as a childminder or childcare provider (England)Overview: Register as a childminder (Northern Ireland)Overview: Register as a childminder (Scotland)Overview: Register as a childminder (Wales)British Au Pair Agencies Association WebsiteOverview: Employing someone to work in your home

in case of emergency

Emergency numbers for U.K. (999)

visa related links and downloads

Youth mobility visa U.K. and countries applicableApplying for a U.K. visaContact UK Visas and Immigration from outside the U.K.Tier 4 Student visa (U.K.)List of registered Sponsors when applying for student visa (U.K.)Guide on application to U.K. visa as a tier 4 studentDocuments needed to apply for U.K. visacertifying documents to apply for a U.K. visaUK Border Agency Home OfficeStatement: the status of EU nationals in the UKGuidance on visa applications under Tier 5 (Youth Mobility Scheme)Immigration Rules part 6A: the points-based system

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