connectAuPair report a bug

Having a prblem with my profile

I seem to be having a problem with my profile....I intially registered as an au pair but recently as i login it is showing information as if I were a host family...causing me not to see host family's matching my criteria 

2 Answerslatest answer: 7 years ago 2960 views

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Dear Zhane,

actually, it's not possible to change your user type after your registration, so I suspect you registered as a family by mistake.

Anyway, we changed your usertype to au pair now.

Best regards,

Maria from the cAP team

Dear Zhane,

thanks for your message.

I changed you back again to 'au pair'.

Sorry for this 'glitch in the matrix' :)


Z. R.Z. R. au pair
7 years ago

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